Important information about operating under Covid19
The Nelson Market is compliant with Goverment requirements under the traffic light system. Please check back for updates about visiting the Nelson Market or managing a stall at the Nelson Market. Thank you.
Visitor Information: GREEN TRAFFIC LIGHT
COVID CHANGES and visiting the Nelson Market.
At 11:59pm on Friday 25 March 2022, our traffic light system is changing.0
As we move past the peak of Omicron, we can look toward to a more simplified traffic light system to keep us safe.
At Green, from Saturday the 26 March 2022, when you visit the Nelson Market or Monty’s Sunday Market, you will no longer need to scan in via the covid tracer app or use a sign-in sheet in any business.
We look forward to seeing you under the Green light conditions.
Thank you
Nita Knight, Jason Knight and the Nelson Market team.
Stallholders Information: CHANGES TO COVID SOON
COVID CHANGES and being a Stall Holder at the Nelson Market.
Masks however are still required to be worn under the red setting but changes are coming soon. From Saturday the 26 March,2022, stall holders will no longer be required to ask customers to scan in via the covid tracer app or use a sign-in sheet. Businesses will no longer be required to have their covid tracer signs present at all. Our stall holders are looking forward to welcomeing you under these updated conditions. |